Why Use Calming Treats To Help Your Dogs?
While natural fight, flight, freeze are natural reactions which are considered healthy and necessary survival tools, when it happens due to anxiety, it can cause more harm in the future if not cured early. In many cases, you can easily find and treat a dog’s anxiety with proper medication.
But if it’s not treated, you might seek alternative remedies such as calming chews for dogs and other treats. Let’s get to know why you should choose to use calming treats to help with your dog’s anxiety.
How do the calming treats work?
Generally, calming treats are prepared with herbs and vitamins as the active ingredients, which is a non-medical alternative remedy to soothe your dog’s anxiety symptoms.
It is a holistic approach to treating dogs’ anxiety without requiring pharmaceuticals, so they come under nutraceuticals.
Those who want to avoid medicine or supplement support can use calming chews for dogs to relax them and minimize their anxiety effects on their health.
Consider choosing organic calming treats if you are concerned about the use of harmful additives. Also, decide whether you want to give them chewy or crunchy treats.
If your dog has allergic symptoms, you might use grain-free treats.
Now that you know how the calming chews and treats work, you can use them for your dogs if they are not responding well to the veterinarian’s prescribed medications. Consult with your veterinarian partner to help you pick out the best calming treat for your pet. You can visit Felix + Fetch to find high-quality pet supplements for you.
To know more please visit the Website: Felixandfetch.com
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